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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Optimal Contact Strategy in a Mail and Web Mixed Mode Survey
Year 2009
Access date 12.08.2009

Statistics producers are increasingly using the web as a mode of data collection. The motives to offer a web alternative lie in data quality and financial considerations. Nevertheless, a disappointingly low proportion of respondents in mixed mode mail

and web surveys carried out by for instance Statistics Sweden uses the web as the mode of choice for providing data. Preliminary results (Holmberg and Lorenc 2008) indicated that participants are inclined to select the mode that is immediately at hand, whichin the standard contact strategy applied by Statistics Swedenis the paper questionnaire. Previous research (Werner 2005) also indicated that simply not including the paper questionnaire in the initial mailout in such a contact strategy may achieve a considerably higher proportion of web responses.

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Year of publication2009
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Full text availabilityFurther details

Web survey bibliography (317)
